• Farrah K

Meaning Making 3 |


Meaning Making is a series of reflection provoking exercises that will help you gain clarity about the life that you desire to live. When done with complete focus and honest awareness you will develop deeper understanding about yourself and how to be more intentioned in your day to day experiences, relationships, and goals. To get the most out of these exercises, I recommend that you write them down either in a journal or on the downloadable free worksheet. Let’s get started!


When you were little, what kind of adult did you imagine you would be?


Let’s go way back to when you were young, a little kid who had the whole big world ahead of them. The youngster that didn’t yet know the complications of the world and everyday adult life, the one who did not see the world as being one of limitations, but one of possibilities. That little kid who had big ideas and just needed the big shoes to stand in to see them become reality.


When you were a little kid, what kind of adult did you think you would be? Now you might have just felt your self-censoring and self-critical mechanisms start spinning into gear when you read that question. Hit the red stop button on those unhelpful thoughts and feelings right now. Mentally step back, take a breath, and read that question again this time telling yourself that whatever answer comes to light, so be it.


DOWNLOAD the journal worksheet here.


The Adult I Wanted To Be

This is an exercise meant to help you uncover some hopes and wishes that you may have tucked away deep inside. It’s purpose is to help you uncover those and assess them against your current life’s components. Then from there to start taking action making adjustments as needed so that you are building and living your life with more intention, value, and purpose.


Through your past childhood lenses, describe the following:

  • What did you accomplish in your education?
  • Would you have a job?
  • What job would it be?
  • What about that job was interesting and exciting?
  • Where did you get the idea for that job?
  • What would people know you for?
  • What kind of people would you spend time with?
  • What things would you do with them?
  • Would you be in a relationship?
  • What type of relationship would it be?
  • What type of person would it be with?
  • How else would you enjoy spending your time besides work?
  • Where would you live?
  • What would you live in and what about it made it home to you?
  • What would your physical state be and what would you look like?
  • What about that was important to you?
  • As you were answering these questions, what else did you notice came up?


Any of the topic areas can be expanded on in more depth and detail. If you find yourself drawn to a particular area(s) go ahead and dive into it deeper and see what comes up.


Now that you’ve completed the exercise, do you find your heart fluttering at certain ideas? Which ones? Do you find yourself inspired to make some changes in your life? What would be the first small step in that direction?


Interested in more Meaning Making exercises? Click here for No.1: My Ideal Morning and here for No.2: My Favorite Place.


Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. – E.E. CUMMINGS