• Farrah K


Set daily intentions to guide your day to move forward.


What if you could start the day knowing exactly what your day had in store for you? Would you be more relaxed?

More able to approach the day in a confident and present manner?


Setting a daily intention, immediately when you wake to the world and before you get out of bed can have powerful results on how you experience, approach, and interpret your experiences of the day. It is important to set your intention before you are called upon by the world, before you open a single email, text, or start tackling your day’s tasks.

When you wake up, take a moment to reflect on how you are feeling in that very moment and the feeling you want to carry you throughout the day. This doesn’t have to be a complicated or time-consuming practice. The most challenging part can be being honest with yourself about how you want to feel for the day. It can be difficult allowing yourself to be mindful and present, and to not make your decided intention simply a reaction to past negative and difficult experiences. Because when we approach the day in a reactive manner, we are essentially allowing ourselves to be dragged along, repeating unhappiness and dissatisfaction from the days prior, and only to continue the process again the next day.

Setting an intention for the day helps to break this pattern and puts us in charge of our own experiences. It helps us to see the glass half-full versus the glass half-empty. It supports us in being kind to ourselves and forgiving ourselves for the day’s shortcomings.


How To Set Your Intention For The Day

  • Close your eyes, take a calming breath, and listen to the feelings from your heart.
  • Let the feelings and intentions come to you freely and pay attention to the one that draws your attention most.
  • Be curious about why that intention is needed for today.
  • If it feels right then choose 1 or 2 words that symbolize that intention. If it doesn’t feel quite right yet, allow the the feelings and intentions to come to you freely again.
  • When you have your intention it can be helpful to write down the 1-2 symbolic words and even a description of why this was the chosen intention for the day.


How To Use Your Intention Throughout The Day

  • Throughout the day, especially as you approach experiences and tasks that may “shake you up”, remind yourself of your intention and say it either in your mind or out loud.
  • Take some moments throughout the day to check in with yourself about how you are doing allowing your intention to guide you. If you find that you’re “off track”, reflect on what is getting in your way and what you can do to get back on track.



When we become quiet and introduce our intentions into the field of pure potentiality, we harness the universe’s infinite organizing power, which can manifest our desires with effortless ease. – DEEPAK CHOPRA