• Farrah K

Meaning Making 2 My Favorite Place|


Meaning Making is a series of reflection provoking exercises that will help you gain clarity about the life that you desire to live. When done with complete focus and honest awareness you will develop deeper understanding about yourself and how to be more intentioned in your day to day experiences, relationships, and goals. To get the most out of these exercises, I recommend that you write them down either in a journal or on the downloadable free worksheet. Let’s get started!


Have you taken the time to consider how you can be purposeful about your environment? How you can be intentional so that you can get the most out of and bring the most to the place and settings you are in?


We have busy lives and spend our days going from one thing, meeting, task on our to-do list to another and often don’t make the time to consider, really consider the environments that we are in. Because we are too busy getting things done or responding to pressures for completed projects from bosses at work, assignment deadlines from professors at school, the many various at times unpredictable needs from our children, or sought for cuddle time with our loved one, we often don’t take the time to reflect on whether or not we have been intentional about the settings we choose to spend most of our physical time. And because of this, we may not be seeing how the environments we choose to be in and the ways we have set them up may be contributing or not contributing to our well-being. Our environments can play a critical part in our moods and how we feel.


This exercise will help you take stock of the types of environments that help you be at your best, and hopefully, you can awaken to some things that you will decide to put into place right away.


DOWNLOAD the journal worksheet here.


My Favorite Place

Imagine a place, either one you have been to or dream of being at. This is your favorite place to be, the one that makes you feel happy and joyous, comfortable and safe. The one that when you are there you are present with your whole being – mind, body, and spirit. The one that you know once you leave you will be eager to be back.


As you think about this special place, describe the following:

  • Where are you?
  • Is anyone with you?
  • What are you there to do?
  • How long will you be there?
  • What do you hear?
  • What do you smell?
  • What do you see?
  • What are you doing?
  • What are you feeling?
  • How do you feel in your body?
  • What is it about this place that you like so much?
  • What thoughts come to mind while you are there?


Now that you’ve completed the exercise, what did you learn about yourself? Was there anything that surprised you? What will you put into action today?


Interested in more Meaning Making exercises? Click here for No.1: My Ideal Morning.



You can’t make positive choices for the rest of your life without an environment that makes those choices easy, natural, and enjoyable.